Japanese Association of Geelong Inc.
- midori no kai -
ホームスクール(日本語学習) サポート
Home Schooling (Japanese Study) Support
We have collated many useful teaching and learning resources for children's Japanese study while at home. Click the images below to view each of the useful websites.
Please contact us here if you know any other wonderful websites or learning resources.
Must-Have website for families with pre-school children. There are more than 4,000 games, craft and learning ideas. They also cover various 'Japanese national events' activities.
You can enjoy a variety of Japanese folktales as well as the words' famous folktales in digital format for FREE!
The most comprehensive Origami site in Japan. You can learn Origami by watching their animated dialog.
You can find many free illustrated colouring sheets here including fishing, shopping and bento game templates. Some colouring sheets are for adults!
This website is for those who want to have a little break from working very hard! You can download FREE fun activity templates and sheets. They also introduce Japanese traditional games, etc.
You can download FREE printable worksheets for infants to junior high school students. Very popular site for Japanese in Japan.
Japanese primary kids paradise with Pokemon and Disney characters on Yahoo! Kids website. Kids can learn, search and play games
Home Schooling/Learning website made for Japanese primary students.
Gakken's comprehensive learning site where you can discover many 'project-based' experiment, activities and learning.
Benesse's comprehensive learning site where you can discover many 'project-based' experiment, activities and learning.
Honda's comprehensive learning site where you can discover many 'project-based' experiment, activities and learning.
Available for English Speaking Learners
Different languages available. One of the best websites to learn Japanese culture, custom and society, including various themes and topics. The language is easy enough for children to understand and the volume of the information is very satisfying so that not only English speaking learners but also Japanese native speakers can enjoy using this website.
百聞は一見に如かず。飴細工や夏祭りなど、日本文化の素晴らしさを語るには本物を見ることです。Japan Video Topicsでは多数のショートビデオを無料で視聴することができます。
The best way of explaining how wonderful Japanese culture is to show it in action. Japan Video Topics made it possible for us to view many authentic Japanese cultural video clips for free!
Japanese magazine for high school students and beyond who want to increase their knowledge and understanding of Japanese traditiona/modern culture, social issues and trends. Niponica is one of the best Japanese magazine written in English in terms of its high quality graphics (photos) and the volume of the information.
This website is about Japanese culture and most users are high school students. You can find a range of cultural information including modern fashion and technology.
小中高の日本語学習者のための刊行物です。主に日本文化についての読み物や言語学習のアクティビティーアイデアを紹介しています。Back IssuesやJapanese Culture and Daily Lifeがおすすめです。
Takarabako is published for primary to secondary school students who learn Japanese. They introduce many practical language learning activities and readings about Japanese culture.